Problem Solving & Decision Making

It is interesting to note that Complex Problem Solving was listed as the most on -demand skill in 2015 and has maintained this position in the 2025 listing. Indeed, the 21st century is characterized by rapid change and complexities. In response, businesses must empower their people with the relevant analytical and critical thinking skills needed to solve problems, innovate and make decisions. When delivering the course, we leverage the Accelium game-based solution to teach participants how to approach problems systematically – analyse them, break them down into smaller parts, and identify the main elements that require attention. With regards decision making, participants will learn how to make a habit of thinking creatively and find the balance between a proactive approach and reactiveness, while optimally utilizing limited resources. At the end of the course, participants would have learnt all the above mentioned and this will position your employees to handle business complexities better, thereby achieving better results for the organization.