Personal Mastery & Time Management

We believe strongly that you cannot give what you do not have. The level of effectiveness displayed in the workplace is a true display of one’s personal effectiveness.

In this training, we help employees discover who they really are and the potentials they possess. We do this with the use of various tools and personality assessments. In this training we also empower your staff to fully maximize their time.

Our 3 Day Mastery training program is designed to assist your staff develop and optimize their latent skills, talents and abilities in order to assist your organization achieve its corporate goals.

Professional ethics and Compliance

Ethics are moral principles that govern our behaviour or the conducting of an activity.

Compliance is the act of conforming to, remaining in line with, adhering to or abiding by a set of principles, rules, regulation or laws, often times prescribed by the regulatory or governing body of a particular discipline, economic sector, industry or profession.

An organisation’s code of ethics underpin its ethical culture, influences its reputation and its perception in the larger society. Implementing an ethical program will foster a successful work culture and increase profitability on all counts for all the stakeholders.

This however must be effectively communicated and cascaded to all within the organization. Our 2 Day Professional Ethics & Compliance training empowers employees with all they need to know to align with the organizations’ ethical standards.

Emotional Intelligence & Peak Performance

In this training we teach people on the capacity for understanding their feelings and the feelings of others for managing themselves and their relationships in the workplace. Most of the glitches we encounter in communication in the workplace come from our models of the world and this paradigm has been influenced by our upbringing , significant emotional experiences and our environments.

We help people discover the effect these factors have had on their display of emotions and we teach them how to gain awareness, master and be in charge of their emotions so as to effectively achieve the goals of the institution.

Wow service Experience

Customer Service is the LEAST expectation of customers from service providers. We do not believe in equipping people to operate at the bottom hence our service intervention is one that empowers staff to deliver WOW service.

WOW within our institution is a culture; it is our Way Of Work. We infuse a desire within your staff to deliver exceptional service as the status quo.

More often than not, the reason most staff give ordinary service is because they have not been taught how to intentionally aim to surpass the customer’s expectation. Rarely do staff aim to serve customers in such a way that elicits extra-ordinary expressions of praise.

Over a period of 3 Days and using role plays, scenarios, videos and highly engaging slide driven presentations, your staff will return with the zeal and expertise to win the heart of your customers and prospects

The 7-Star Performer

We will empower your staff to become 7 star bankers-People who passionately seek to excel in the management of the seven critical dimensions of work relationships.

The 7-star Banker ASPIRES & STRIVES to be:
a. The Master Of Self
b. The Customers’ Favourite Performer.
c. The Dream Subordinate of every Boss.
d. The Most Inspiring Leader to his Subordinates.
e. The Most Sought After Team- Member.
f. An Industry Role Model worthy of emulation.
g. The Management Team’s Most Valuable Performer (MVP).

They will also passionately seeks to Understand and positively excel in the management of the seven critical dimensions of his life.

These 7 DIMENSIONS of the Person are as follows:
a. SPIRITUAL: The Relationship with The Creator.
b. EMOTIONAL: The Relationship with Self.
c. PHYSICAL: The Relationship with Health and Wellness.
d. RELATIONAL: The Relationship with Core & Extended Relatives
e. PROFESSIONAL: The Relationship with Career.
f. FINANCIAL: The Relationship with Finances.
g. SOCIETAL: The Relationship with Neighbourhood, Industry and Nation.

Employee Management

A lot of employees go to work solely for the income. They go to work solely to tick a box that guarantees their salary at the end of the month. This approach to work is void of passion and doesn’t help bring out the best in your staff.

Our Employee engagement training is a workforce activation training that helps significantly boost the positive emotional attachment employees have to the organization, the job and their colleagues. This training has a profound influence on the employees willingness to learn and perform at work.

At the end of the training, your staff will become fully engaged; where an "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about his work and thus will act in a way that furthers his organization’s interests.

Dynamics of High Performance teams

Team Spirit is the willingness to make your team-mate succeed and then rejoice over that person’s success even though you may not be credited for it.

We have discovered that in most organizations, there is the lack of team spirit. Also, people work in silos and they are not well integrated with the vision of the team and the organization as a whole. This training will help the participants through a series of practical case studies and activities see how to become High Performance team members.

They will learn to imbibe team spirit and learn how to contribute their own efforts towards the achievement of the corporate goal.

Mindset Makeover

This is a positive behavioural change intervention. A Mindset is a fixed attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses and interpretations of situations. We all have a fixed way we relate with people and address colleagues and customers. Some of us have even gained unconscious competence with certain unpleasant behavioural traits and do not realize the effect these traits have on our relationships in the workplace.

People’s behavioural traits are predictable because their mental state (which is fixed) will always lead to whatever behaviour they exhibit. This predictable way of response to situations may sometimes clash with professional ethics and if this not addressed, it can lead to a culture that erodes our brand. In this training we help people discover the root cause of behaviour. We also help them imbibe positive empowering beliefs that lead to superlative results

Psychology of Marketing

Marketing is a Psychological Art

People pay more when compelled by FEELINGS than they would when compelled by REASONING. Most sales pitches are lost because the marketers do not know how to connect with the emotional dimension of their PROSPECTS. Here participants are taught how to connect with potential clients in such an irresistible way.

This training is guaranteed to boost the performance of your staff and ultimately affect the organization’s bottom-line

Coaching for effectiveness

Every world class player needs a world class coach!

In this class, we teach functional leaders how to lead using the coaching model which has been accepted as the most effective approach to leading people. Coaching involves helping the individuals clarify their goals and helping them navigate their way towards achieving these pre-set goals.

75% of the Fortune 500 companies employ Executive Coaches to mentor and assist their functional leaders to increase their leadership quotient.In this class, participants are taught how to empower their team mates to take massive action towards achieving extra-ordinary results using the T-GROW coaching model. They also learn how to help themselves and others discover and break roadblocks that get in the way of the achievement of pre-set goals.

Selling Made Easy

Life is a series of sales pitches.

In a conversation, we are selling our opinions to the other party listening. When we negotiate, we are selling our offer to the other party. Hence to effectively succeed as a business it is important we teach our staff the secrets to gaining the upper hand in business.

To be able to convince your customers to do business with you, your staff need to master the art of SUPER SELLING!

The truth is, every customer loves to buy, but hates to be sold to! Over a 2 Day period, we will share with your staff, the secrets to closing the sale by eliciting the willingness to buy from your prospects/customers.

Communication & Presentation Skills

85% percent of our success is tied to our ability to communicate.

The essence of communication is to pass across information and if the message is not passed then the communication is not effective.

In this 2 day programme, we not only teach Communication but we teach presentation skills; where people are taught how to utilize various tools (images, videos, slides) to effectively convey their message to the desired audience.

This would significantly aid them when making presentations during MPR’s, pitching to the customers etc.

Business Writing & Communication

Most employees find it difficult to articulate their thoughts properly using language & tools that are acceptable in the office environment when writing.

As consultants we have discovered that these employees lack the know-how to create compelling content using emails, memos, letters and reports.

In this course we teach the basics of business writing and the basics of effective communication (verbal and non-verbal)

7 Star Leader

Leadership is impact and then influence. When we impact our followers, they reward us with the right and ability to influence them. Leadership should not just be a function of position but one that inspires willing and conscious followership.

During a highly engaging 2 DAY session, we will dispel the myths about leadership and assist your people raise their leadership quotient. We also empower people with the requisite skills to become inspirational leaders.

We do this using a series of case studies of inspirational leaders and we teach the participants how to model their admirable qualities.